Sunday, 1 September 2013

Cool Nature Wallpaper

Cool Nature Wallpaper Biography

Your surroundings are likely to determine your mood in some way or the other. This means that the room that you sit in, the people you hang around with or just the overall atmosphere around you will effect you in more ways than you think it will. As we know, on average, a large percentage of the population spends significant amount of hours of their day sitting infront of the computer. Therefore your surroundings have now become restricted to the room you are sitting in and the computer that you are spending endless hours staring at. Unknowingly, your desktop wallpaper will also influence your mood substantially.

Computers bought nowadays already come with pre-installed wallpapers.  As you may have noticed, a common theme that prevails in all these desktop wallpapers is nature. Nature wallpapers are not only soothing to the eyes, but  are also comforting for the minds too. For all the nature-loving people out there, a vast variety of landscape wallpapers or nature wallpapers is easily available online and is free to download. More recently, animated wallpapers in a natural setting  have also evolved and gained popularity.

Nature photography refers to a wide range of photography taken outdoors and devoted to displaying natural elements such as landscapes, wildlife, plants, and close-ups of natural scenes and textures. Nature photography tends to put a stronger emphasis on the aesthetic value of the photo than other photography genres, such as photojournalism and documentary photography.

Nature photographs are published in scientific, travel and cultural magazines such as National Geographic Magazine, National Wildlife Magazine and Audubon Magazine or other more specific magazines such as Outdoor Photographer and Nature's Best Photography. Well known nature photographers include Frans Lanting, Galen Rowell, Eliot Porter and Art Wolfe.

Wildlife photography is devoted to capturing interesting animals in action, such as eating, fighting, or in flight. Although usually shot in the wild, game farms are also a frequent location for wildlife photography.

The techniques of wildlife photography differ greatly from those used in landscape photography. For example, in wildlife photography wide apertures are used to achieve a fast shutter speed, freeze the subject's motion, and blur the backgrounds, while landscape photographers prefer small apertures. Wildlife is also usually shot with long telephoto lenses from a great distance; the use of such telephoto lenses frequently necessitates the use of a tripod (since the longer the lens, the harder it is to handhold). Many wildlife photographers use blinds or camouflage.
As mentioned earlier,your surroundings will impact your mood;  therefore a nature wallpaper may just be the mood-lifter that you are looking for.  To give you  a feel of this, a few cool wallpapers have been provided below. 

Cool Nature Wallpaper

Cool Nature Wallpaper

Cool Nature Wallpaper

Cool Nature Wallpaper

Cool Nature Wallpaper

Cool Nature Wallpaper

Cool Nature Wallpaper

Cool Nature Wallpaper

Cool Nature Wallpaper

Cool Nature Wallpaper

Cool Nature Wallpaper

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